Used to be so courageous
$5.00 – $125.00
Positivity illustration of two racially diverse women stating I used to be so courageous… what has happened?
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Category: Life Cartoons
Tags: afraid, african-american, authentic, black, boss, business, businesswoman, cartoon, caucasian, changed, color, confidence, confident, courage, courageous, downhill, emotions, encourage, encouraging, feelings, female, friend, friendship, genuine, gone, good, growth, illustration, inspirational, inspire, job, lack, lacking, less, life, life cartoons, message, mindset, motivation, motivational, not, people, personal, positive, positivity, productive, self, self-aware, supervisor, talking, thoughtful, timid, two, understand, used, white, with, woman, women, words, work, worried, worry, you, yourself
Cartoonist: Nancy Terrell