Reach out
$5.00 – $125.00
Cartoon showing black people on a cliff ledge and white people on a cliff ledge with a large divide between them. The white people say to the black people, come over here. The black people ask, how?
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Category: Life Cartoons
Tags: african-american, amendment, attempt, bad, black, BLM, cartoon, cartoons, change, cliff, come, conservative, create, deep, democrat, dire, diverse, diversity, divide, edge, equal, equity, good, here, history, how, intentions, liberal, life, life cartoons, lives, man, matter, out, over, race, racial, reach, relations, relationship, republican, rights, situation, slave, slavery, society, straits, tension, tensions, treated, treatment, trying, unfair, unfairly, very, want, white, wish, woman
Cartoonist: Andrew Grossman