Black Therapist White Privilege
$5.00 – $125.00
Color illustration showing a black female therapist listening to her white male patient talk.
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Category: Doctor Cartoons
Tags: accomplished, ADHD, African, african-american, American, attentive, authority, bipolar, black, brown, caucasian, color, counseling, counselor, DEI, depressed, depression, diversity, doctor, equity, expert, female, history, illustration, inclusion, justice, knowledgeable, listening, male, man, medical, OCD, patient, people, people of color, person, POC, privilege, professional, psychiatric, psychiatrist, psychiatry, psychologist, psychology, racism, racist, right, rights, schizophrenia, secrets, share, skin, speaking, special, talk, telling, therapist, therapy, unfair, white
Cartoonist: Andrew Grossman